“Fashion is a way of expressing oneself,” or "Fashion is a form of art,” and “Fashion is playing around with and breaking the rules of conventional dressing.” It may seem like a simple concept, but behind the word is a world full of creativity, break-through, and endless possibilities.
What exactly is fashion?
According to the dictionary, fashion is “A prevailing custom or style of dress, etiquette, socializing, etc." or "Conventional usage in dress, manners, etc., especially of polite society. " However, if you ask a fashion student or a fashion enthusiast this same question, you will probably hear answers like : as “Fashion is a way of expressing oneself,” or "Fashion is a form of art,” and “Fashion is playing around with and breaking the rules of conventional dressing.” It may seem like a simple concept, but behind the word is a world full of creativity, break-through, and endless possibilities.
Fashion is the area of activity that involves styles of clothing or the appearance or a way of behaving that is popular at a particular time.
To answer the question of “what is fashion?” – it is how people present themselves. No longer do human wear clothes just to protect their body from the environment. Fashion in clothing is basically dressing in clothes that bring out the best of your body, all the while impressing others as to the good taste of the wearers.
Fashion is lasting for a very short time or ephemeral– it changes so fast – in the blink of an eye that coat you bought could get old-fashioned.
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