Is feminism taking a wrong turn in India?
Is feminism taking a wrong turn in India? In the name of feminism, women are gradually trying to become like men, because they are forgetting their own existence, own personality, and own value......

In the name of feminism, women are gradually trying to become like men, because they are forgetting their own existence, own personality, and own value. Everything which is made by the nature is very well settled in this cosmos but we as a human try to interrupt this harmony without knowing its repercussions.
In the pre - Vedic period men and women were equal, women had all the rights like to study, rule & do everything, etc. which was fruitful for our progress but to become more progressive and modern we started to demean the women and guess what happened? In the post - Vedic period the condition of women deteriorated but the overall progress was also not so good, because to prove their supremacy men started ruling over women. They thought women have no value, they treated them as child-giving machines, snatched the right to education, etc. Many types of social evils prevailed which were mainly for women like child marriage, sati pratha, etc.
Men treated them as their slaves and even in the present time these practices prevailed in many regions. From the beginning till it is a patriarchal society with deep-rooted misogyny. But when we got the freedom to study, to fly, to do the things which we want so we started misusing it for which we fought a lot.
I am not saying to be an alcoholic or having a boyfriend or late-night parties or short dresses are problems. But the problem is why we are trying to be like men, we all should have unique talents, skills, etc. so use our freedom to explore ourselves, to make able to fulfill our dreams, to fly, and again it is the high time to understand the real meaning of women.
Some people will criticize my thoughts I think we should not focus that how to be like someone or to demean someone but to make your own existence.
Anjali Gupta
( 11/04/2022 )
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