Journey of transgender to became mother

This is a story of transgender women who is not excepted by the society as women,   but she  became mothe Journey of transgender to became mother.

Journey of transgender to became mother

Journey of transgender to became mother
This is a story of transgender women who is not excepted by the society as women,   but she  became mothe Journey of transgender to became mother.
This is a story of transgender women who is not excepted by the society as women,   but she  became mother . This is the story "how the  love toward the child changes you  .
GAURI SAWANT  . This is the story "how the  love toward the child changes you  .
GAURI SAWANT  a social activist , MUMBAI ,INDIA . She help transgender people ,ORPHANAGE girls  and the people with HIV/AIDS.
GAURI  born as boy   with name  GANESH  SAWANT and raised in BHAVANIPETH, PUNE .Her father is a police officer so she live in SARKARI quarters . Her  mother did not want the child so she  goes to the doctor for abortion  but doctor refuse to do because GAURI 's mother is 7 month pregnant .   Her mother died when she was very young, about  5 year old and she was raised by her grandmother. She left her house at the age of 18 and came to  Dadar in Mumbai with 60 rupees .
Gauri founded the NGO " SAKSHI CHAR CHOWGHI TRUST" TO PROMOTE  safe sex and counselling to transgender people. She also work with sex workers  .one day, one of his collage told her that one sex worker  died from AIDS  and she had a daughter , to be sold in sex-trafficking . GAURI went only to see the girl and that day GAURI said her life changes she said working from several years she become a machine she had no feeling for anyone  but when she saw the little girl standing in one corner of room she said she will buy that girl and take girl to her home and later she   adopted the girl name GAYATRI and she became a mother .
"Its not important giving birth a child make you mother, it require  feeling of mother , happiness , kindness and humanity . "


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