Trishiv Technology Nidhi Limited | For Loan | Saving | Recurring | Fixed | Piggy Bank
WELCOME TO TRISHIV TECHNOLOGY NIDHI LIMITED TRISHIV TECHNOLOGY NIDHI LIMITED being a company having registered office at #180 Radhe Shyam Vihar,Phase 1,Gate No. 2,Muradnagar,Ghaziabad,UP-201206. registered under the Companies Act 2013, it automatically comes under the supervision of the MCA (MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. in the registered of NIDHI RULES 2014 and Main objective is to encourage and afford all facilities for cultivating thrift ,saving habits and to render all financial assistance to its member only by receiving long and short term deposits and in particular recurring ,fixed and other deposits, not being current accounts from the members as are allowed by law for Nidhi number 01 Mutual Benefits Companies, and to grant loans to the members only as against securities of immovable properties (within City) and or on the security of deposits, movable such as gold, silver, jewellery, Kisan Vikas Patra, National Saving Certificates Scheme, insurance policie
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TRISHIV TECHNOLOGY NIDHI LIMITED being a company having registered office at #180 Radhe Shyam Vihar,Phase 1,Gate No. 2,Muradnagar,Ghaziabad,UP-201206. registered under the Companies Act 2013, it automatically comes under the supervision of the MCA (MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. in the registered of NIDHI RULES 2014 and Main objective is to encourage and afford all facilities for cultivating thrift ,saving habits and to render all financial assistance to its member only by receiving long and short term deposits and in particular recurring ,fixed and other deposits, not being current accounts from the members as are allowed by law for Nidhi number 01 Mutual Benefits Companies, and to grant loans to the members only as against securities of immovable properties (within City) and or on the security of deposits, movable such as gold, silver, jewellery, Kisan Vikas Patra, National Saving Certificates Scheme, insurance policies and other Government securities up on such terms and condition as may from time to time prescribed in law for Nidhi or Mutual Benefits Companies.
Money can be deposited / withdraw into an account as per the wish of account holder. SB accounts are opened to encourage by TRISHIV TECHNOLOGY NIDHI LIMITED members to save money and collect their savings.
Savings Account Features & Benefits:-
- The main objective of Saving Account is promote Savings.
- Minimum Balance Required @ Rs. 100/- (Rupees hundred) only.
- Interest Rate payable to the account holder @ 6%* per annum.
To know more about Savings account, its eligibiity, purpose of loan, documents for loan visit:
A fixed deposit is a financial instrument where a member gets assured ROI. It is an investment opportunity provided by TRISHIV TECHNOLOGY NIDHI LIMITED with the benefits of higher rate of interest than a Normal Saving Account.
Fixed Deposit Features & Benefits:-
- Attractive and assured Return.
- Impeccable services.
- A wide range of deposit products to choose.
- Quarterly interest will be credited to depositor’s Bank account, if opted.
To know more about Fixed deposit, its eligibiity, purpose of loan, documents for loan visit:
Recurring Deposit is a special kind of Term Deposit offered by TRISHIV TECHNOLOGY NIDHI LIMITED which help members with regular incomes to deposit a fixed amount in every month into their Recurring Deposit account and earn interest at the rate applicable.
Recurring Deposit Features & Benefits:
- The Recurring deposit account is an account in the bank where an investor deposits a fixed amount of money every month for a fixed tenure.
- Recurring deposit account is opened by those who want to save regularly for a certain period of time and earn a higher interest rate.
- Recurring deposit scheme is meant for investors who want to deposit a fixed amount every month, in order to get a lump sum after some years.
To know more about Recurring deposit, its eligibiity, purpose of loan, documents for loan visit:
Daily Deposit Scheme is a monetary deposit scheme introduced by TRISHIV TECHNOLOGY NIDHI LIMITED to help daily wage earners, small traders, to inculcate saving habits and also as a way of funding their bigger capital requirements.
Daily Deposit Scheme Features & Benefits:-
- In this scheme money can be deposited into an account on daily basis.
- The amount may be as small as Rupees 100/- .
- The unique characteristic of this scheme is that an agent from the bank collects money to be deposited, on daily basis, from doorsteps of account holder.
- The minimum denomination of the scheme is Rs.100/- per day and in multiples of 100.
To know more about Pigmy deposit, its eligibiity, purpose of loan, documents for loan visit:
Monthly interest scheme is introduced by TRISHIV TECHNOLOGY NIDHI LIMITED which is a period of time to a certain extent, at competitive rates of interest and with different features to suit the investment needs of individual member.
Monthly Income Scheme Features & Benefits:-
- MIS is the product where members have to invest upfront, to get the return every month till the end of tenure of the respective MIS.
- Attractive and assured Returns.
- Impeccable services.
- A wide range of deposits product to choose.
- Monthly interest will be credited to depositor’s Bank Account, if opted.
To know more about MIS deposit, its eligibiity, purpose of loan, documents for loan visit:
A sum of money which is borrowed to be paid back with interest over a period of time. Individual Entity which borrows a sum of money from the lender and receives a direct benefit or direct interest from the Loan.
Features & Benefits:-
- Attractive Interests Rates.
- Provides self-employed women financial assistance to support their business enterprises, such as raising livestock, running local retail shops called Kirana stores, providing tailoring and other assorted trades and services.
To know more about general loan, its eligibiity, purpose of loan, documents for loan visit :
A mortgage is a loan where the property or real estate which is used as collateral. The borrower will enters into an agreement with the lender for the borrower where they can receives cash upfront & then makes payments over a period of time span until he pays back the lender in full as mentioned.
Features & Benefits:-
- Attractive Interests Rates.
To know more about general loan, its eligibiity, purpose of loan, documents for loan visit :
A Secured Loan is a loan where the borrower he will pledges for some asset which is used as Collateral. In this type product they will be sanctioning loan process for personal & commercial use.
Features & Benefits:-
- Attractive Interests Rates.
To know more about general loan, its eligibiity, purpose of loan, documents for loan visit :
This loan will be given for the purpose of the business by mortgaging the immovable property of the borrower after considering security, repayment capacity, credit worthiness and fulfilling documentation procedures and maximum tenure.
Features & Benefits:-
- Attractive Interests Rates.
To know more about general loan, its eligibiity, purpose of loan, documents for loan visit :
Let the gold add glitter to your life. Unlock the value of your gold while you continue to own it. TRISHIV TECHNOLOGY NIDHI LIMITED designed to provide liquidity against gold and gold Jewelers without having to sell them. Let your gold help you bring the golden period in life...
Features & Benefits:-
- Availed for any amount between Rs.10000 to a maximum of Rs.2,00,000 Lakhs and above.
- Hassle-free quick processing of loans
- Minimum documentation and quick disbursal
- Simplified Paperwork.
- Easy Payment options.
- ATL - Anytime Liquidity
- No EMI, Service only Interest and enjoy the Loan facility
To know more about general loan, its eligibiity, purpose of loan, documents for loan visit :
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