Nature Love
Traveling: love nature Travel is to go from one place to the another place, as by the car,the train,the plane, or the ship; to take a trip or a journey.This is definitely the essence of the travel. But travel is not that clear-cut. Travel is to move or go from one place or point to another.
Travel is to go from one place to the another place, as by the car,the train,the plane, or the ship; to take a trip or a journey.This is definitely the essence of the travel. But travel is not that clear-cut.
Travel is to move or go from one place or point to another.
Travel’ and ‘traveler,’ are there any more ambiguous words in the English language? May be ‘love.’ Ask one hundred people what ‘travel’ is, and what a ‘traveler’ is, and I’m guessing we’d get about one hundred different answers for each. Travel and traveler are not so much words as they are patterns, abstractions, audio Rorschach Tests.
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